Narrative Texts
Narrative text is a piece of writing that tells a story
incident. A Narratives always deals with some problem. Which lead to the climax
and then turn into a solution to the problem.
Communicate Purpose:
To tell a story about something or someone
To amuse or entertain the readers or listeners
Examples of Narrative texts :
Short Stories
Folk Tales
Cartoon Strips
Picture Book
Text Organization :
Orientation sets the scene (where and when story
happen) and introduces the participants of the story ( who and what is involved
in the story)
Complication tells the beginning of the problem
which leads to the crisis (climax) of the main participants.
Resolution provides solution to the problem either
in the happy ending or in a sad (tragic) ending
Re-Orientation (optional) gives a remark to the
story. It consists of a moral lesson or advice.
Note : Sometimes, a writer puts his judgement on a certain
participant or a certain event, this is called a evaluation.
Language features
Past Tense, e.g : the lion woke up and grabbed the
mouse in is sharp claws
Nouns, e.g : lions, mouse, hunter, etc.
Pronouns, e.g : it, you, he, etc.
Noun phrases, e.g : a sleeping lion, the grateful
mouse, a strong net, etc
Time Connective and Conjunction, e.g : one day,
sometime, later, then, a long time ago, first, etc
Adjectives, e.g : small, helpless, etc.
Adverb, e.g : sadly, angrily, etc.
Adverbial Phrases Of Time and Place, e.g : a few
days ago, in the forest, etc.
Material Process (Action Verbs), e.g : grabbed,
ran, arrived, ate, went, laughed,etc.
Verbal processes (Saying verbs), e.g : asked,
said, told, etc.
Thinking Verbs, Felling Verbs, Verbs of Senses,
e.g : the lion felt hungry, etc.
Direct Speech, e.g : “please don’t eat me!” begged
the mouse
Indirect Speech, e.g : the mouse begged the lion
not to eat him.
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