Narrative Texts

Narrative Texts

Narrative text is a piece of writing that tells a story incident. A Narratives always deals with some problem. Which lead to the climax and then turn into a solution to the problem.

Communicate Purpose:
·         To tell a story about something or someone
·         To amuse or entertain the readers or listeners

Examples of Narrative texts :
·         Short Stories
·         Folk Tales
·         Legends
·         Myths
·         Fables
·         Novels
·         Cartoon Strips
·         Picture Book

Text Organization :
·         Orientation sets the scene (where and when story happen) and introduces the participants of the story ( who and what is involved in the story)
·         Complication tells the beginning of the problem which leads to the crisis (climax) of the main participants.
·         Resolution provides solution to the problem either in the happy ending or in a sad (tragic) ending
·         Re-Orientation (optional) gives a remark to the story. It consists of a moral lesson or advice.
Note : Sometimes, a writer puts his judgement on a certain participant or a certain event, this is called a evaluation.

Language features
·         Past Tense, e.g : the lion woke up and grabbed the mouse in is sharp claws
·         Nouns, e.g : lions, mouse, hunter, etc.
·         Pronouns, e.g : it, you, he, etc.
·         Noun phrases, e.g : a sleeping lion, the grateful mouse, a strong net, etc
·         Time Connective and Conjunction, e.g : one day, sometime, later, then, a long time ago, first, etc
·         Adjectives, e.g : small, helpless, etc.
·         Adverb, e.g : sadly, angrily, etc.
·         Adverbial Phrases Of Time and Place, e.g : a few days ago, in the forest, etc.
·         Material Process (Action Verbs), e.g : grabbed, ran, arrived, ate, went, laughed,etc.
·         Verbal processes (Saying verbs), e.g : asked, said, told, etc.
·         Thinking Verbs, Felling Verbs, Verbs of Senses, e.g : the lion felt hungry, etc.
·         Direct Speech, e.g : “please don’t eat me!” begged the mouse
·         Indirect Speech, e.g : the mouse begged the lion not to eat him.


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